Programming is just Problem solving


Hi there,
 I wish to show you how Programming really is just problem solving.
We are simply creating solutions to problems as programmers.
 I wished I had known this earlier so that I wouldn't have been aimlessly writing scripts not understanding all I am doing is Problem solving.

To illustrate this , I am going to use a simple program : Calculator

As a human being, You might not be able to perform mass calculations  quickly but a computer can so it saves you the trouble of memorizing large figures , counting with your fingers or balls or other objects !
 A Calculator has solved our problem(Massive Calculations)

How does a Calculator operate ?
It takes in the user's input in form of digits 
and then the user's selected operator( - , + , x(multiply) ,divide(/) etc)
 After that in a matter of seconds , it generates the output.

All programs aim at solving Human problems !
For example
Uber solves the problem of finding accurate affordable transportation
E-bay provides you with the product selection and enables you to get it up to your door step.
Facebook enables me to text someone far away from where I am without having to write a letter that takes days on end to arrive or having to travel there that can be really expensive.
 Programs are just solutions to Human problems !

When you understand this , You start to think differently and approach Code in a unique fashion.
You begin to think like a problem solver and writing code will become easier.
You ask yourself problem solving questions like :
What problem do I desire to solve ?
How do I tell my computer how to solve the problem ?
Do I know how to tell my computer what I want it to do ?
Programming is a two way street - You tell your computer what you want it to do and then it outputs what you told it to do !
You write code then it shows you the result of the code.

"Computers are stupid" They only do what you tell them to do. They can't think on their own , a computer can't tell you it desires to start video editing , you , the user is the one who gets the interest in video editing and then installs a video editing program and edits videos.
The rise of intelligent Computers shows us how great computers can be but it can't outcompete the human brain , The Human brain is greater than we can ever imagine.
Robots are an article for another day , I will share my thoughts on them too !

Computers not only need to be told what to do , they also need to be told how to do it.
What External/Computer resources will the computer need to do it ? 
How long should the computer do this action ?
How many times should it do the action ?
What values will the program use to operate ?
What kind of output should be given out ?
--> The questions that answer how the computer will do something.
The questions you ask yourself will depend on the program task on your plate.
Don't worry if you don't understand problem solving , we shall go together on this journey and it will make sense.
Rome wasn't built in a day and it looks different for everyone so your coding journey will differ from many because you are a unique human gifted with a different set of logical and cognitive skills.

So let's dine down ,
Ask yourself how you can better understand that Programming is Problem solving and begin to operate from there.
Just understand that you are instructing a computer to do what you want in a language it understands and it is going to do exactly what you have told it to do.
If there is a problem in your programming , you aren't using a correct method to solve the problem or you are just creating a wrong solution and you need to refine it.

If you feel a bit lost , feel free to ask me any question you would like in the comment section.
I will answer ASAP !


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