
Showing posts from August, 2022

Programming Logic : Variables

  Hello there , We are getting deeper and deeper into Code and we are covering Variables. They are also a Corner stone to Programming.  A variable is a named value used to operate certain operations in a program. To explain this better , I am going to use a box to illustrate a variable.  When you create a variable , You symbolize an empty box. When you place something in the box , You are giving it a value . And so that you don't get confused , You slap a sticker that explains what the box is for. That's what variables do , They hold values and also have names so you can identify them. More information on Variables Read this to learn more about Variables How do we use variables ? Let's say , We are a creating a Greeting Program. A simple program that Greets the user after he inputs his Name. We would create a variable to store that specific name and Greet them. Visual example of the Greeting program : There are lots of examples out there that you can look out for and I enco

Programming Logic : Basic Operators

  Hello Reader, I believe you are getting stronger and stronger each day as a programmer and I am happy for you ! Today , I am going to talk about Operators , they are a big part of learning Programming Logic as we shall see as the article unfolds. Operators help us create more functional code.....It is a cornerstone to Programming Logic.          Let us start Operating...BOIII ! : What are operators ? Operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical manipulations. Today , we will try to cover the most commonly used operators in programming. First, let's categorize them: 1. Arithmetic 2. Relational 3. Bitwise 4. Logical 5. Assignment 6. Increment 7. Miscellaneous 1. Arithmetic Operators :   +    Addition  *     Multiplication  %    Modulus The modulus operator - or more precisely, the modulo operation - is a way to determine the  remainder  of a division operation. Instead of returning the result of the division, the modulo operation returns

Exercise 1 in Html : Headings

  The exercise is very simple Create a new file called exercise1.html Open it in your text editor Write all the necessary tags perfectly Doctype Html Head  Title Body I want you to use all the 6 headings  h1 up to h6 In the h1 tag, Write this : What is your name ? In the h2 tag , Write this : What is your age ? In the h3 tag, write this : Which school do you go to ? In the h4 tag , write this : What is your best dish ? In the h5 tag, Write this : What is your best Movie ? In the h6 tag , Write this : What is your best hobby ? And give all the answers in the paragraph tag Resources for you to use ; HTML Headings HTML Paragraphs HTML W3 Tutorial

Let's Begin Coding : Choosing a Code editor

  Hello Reader, We are going to start coding ! Celebrate  the Victorious hours are here. As we already covered in one of our previous articles, Code editors are the programs where we write our code. Code Editors make writing and reading the source code easier by differentiating the elements and routines so programmers can more easily look at their code.    That's all they do for the most part : "Make our code readable" When developers write code using these editors, it takes care of syntax. Code editors immediately warn of any syntax errors.  Developers don’t have to worry about syntax. Features like Brace matching  Auto indentation & auto-completion saves a lot of time for the programmer.  Points to consider while selecting the best editor for your project: Supported languages Supported operating systems or platforms. Features of the code editor Price Have a look at the link below and keep the best code editor for you: In depth link on Code editors In my opinion , As

Programming is just Problem solving

  Hi there,  I wish to show you how Programming really is just problem solving. We are simply creating solutions to problems as programmers.  I wished I had known this earlier so that I wouldn't have been aimlessly writing scripts not understanding all I am doing is Problem solving. To illustrate this , I am going to use a simple program : Calculator As a human being, You might not be able to perform mass calculations  quickly but a computer can so it saves you the trouble of memorizing large figures , counting with your fingers or balls or other objects !  A Calculator has solved our problem(Massive Calculations) How does a Calculator operate ? It takes in the user's input in form of digits  and then the user's selected operator( - , + , x(multiply) ,divide(/) etc)  After that in a matter of seconds , it generates the output. All programs aim at solving Human problems ! For example Uber solves the problem of finding accurate affordable transportation E-bay provides you wit

What is Programming (Everything i think you should know !)

Hello dear reader, I desire to share all i have learnt in  a very simplistic way yet cover all i believe i need to share. What is programming ? Programming is the process of writing Computer Programs. What really happens in the process ? Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task. We are basically telling the computer how to perform a certain task. It's that simple telling the computer what you want it to do and how it should do this task ! We instruct computers in a way they can understand , Computers don't understand human language , they understand a language called a Programming Language. What is a Programming Language ? A programming Language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks.   Below is a video that explains what a programming language is in depth.....Watch it to enrich your knowledge on the concept. Basically a Programming Langu

What is Young Coders ?

 What is Young Coders all about ? We are a Group of Passionate Software Developers  who have gathered to share our knowledge and experience with each other. This Blog will be showcasing all the study material we shall be making , code challenges and quizzes you can try out and our personal experiences in the beautiful world of Tech. I intend to make this the place i wish i had when i was just 13 , trying to figure all these coding things  I will teach all that i know and will teach all that i learn along the journey. This is a little family of developers helping each other to become better creators. We shall cover Game development and design , coping skills for coders , software development, web development and design and practical programming concepts. Jump on board and enjoy the ride ! Welcome to the Family !!